The judgment must be exercised in respect of the use of commercial fertilizers, particularly around Golden Oldies and rock plants, which in turn strong chemicals. Manure is well dissolved or compost, is safe to use almost everywhere. But do not put barnyard manure on your lawn, unless it has been composted, or you will reap a fine new crop of weeds. Dried sheep or cow manure, while more expensive than most manure per unit of plant foods is useful on the lawns. Feed your plants if they are to be healthy and beautiful. It applies to the shade and fruit trees, as to the smaller kinds. If you are in doubt as what to use, and how, consult a good Garden Guide, your local garden experts or your seeds-Shop man. By all means start a compost heap, if you do not already have a, and build up a stock of homemade humus. If the results this season, however, it is better to buy some fertility this spring. It will be at least a year before a compost pile will be ready to help you.
Anyway, if your fertility poorly run you will need to put back some of the mineral elements such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus from commercial sources. In addition to this fundamental question plant food and hygiene, each garden a little dressing now and then. The addition of a couple of flowering shrubs, a new rose bush or two, some vines on the House or garage, a couple new golden oldies or some of the laws of lier hardy plants, such as Iris species, peonies, phlox, daffodils, or a good planting of seasonal fish, will work wonders. All and everything looks worn out at this time of year in the North. As spring rolls around spruce up the old place by giving it a little loving care and attention. Every garden is different.
See your site with a critical eye; have a family consultation; Don't be afraid to Let your imagination go. If you need help, get some of the new seed or plant school catalogs or some books on landscaping. They will provide you with more ideas than you can put to work in a single season. Make a planting right corresponding to plan on a heavy sheet of paper. You don't have to do everything the first year, but put your ideas on paper anyway. If your temperament goes against the community improvement, there are plenty of good work to do with our Parks, playgrounds, schools, churches and other public grounds. Unless your city is unusual, there is a need for a lot of municipal face-lifting.
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