Monday, 28 May 2012

A Bonsai For Beginner

Almost everyone who sees a Bonsai tree is in love with it. They seem to be at once sophisticated yet simple at the same time. A Bonsai tree, which is carefully can live in a very long period. There is actually a Bonsai tree in the National Arboretum in Washington, DC, there are more than 385 years old. While Bonsai has exhibited the ability to live in an extended period, they can be a challenge to grow, especially for the first time grower. It is expected that most people want to kill their first Bonsai simply from lack of experience.

Among the large number of trees grown as Bonsais every year, fit the Jade Bonsai perhaps best for beginning grower. The Jade Bonsai, which is also known as small leaves Jade or plant elephant is a succulent plant which is native to South Africa.

Jade Bonsai is a very easy plant to take care. A succulent means that the plant contains large quantities of water in its thick foliage, branches and trunk, which translates to less irrigation. Although it is easy to care, requires this Bonsai still cropping and framing. Cropping will stimulate new growth and help to grow a strong trunk. Cropping is also necessary to remove excess leaves, not within the scheme artistic you envisioned for the tree.

As a new tree, the bark of the jade plant is green, but as the tree matures bark turns to a reddish brown, and finally to a slate gray as tree when full maturity. The leaves of the Jade Bonsai is fleshy in texture and has a green blue leafs. Jade Bonsai produces star-shaped flowers in the early days of the winter. These delicate flowers can vary from white to a very dark purple color

Being a tropical plant, Jade Bonsai will not tolerate cold climates, so if you live in a colder climate Jade Bonsai should be treated as an indoor plant. If you live in a warmer area or during the summer months in a colder climate, blossom Jade Bonsai nicely, if located out of doors in a full sun area. In both cases, regular watering the tree required. Remember not to over water tree, however, only keep the soil moist.

As your Jade Bonsai matures, it will respond very nicely on the wiring. You can begin to design your jade Bonsai with cables within the first 4 weeks. However, be very careful, as you raise the branches to which they are still very fragile and will break easily. Because the body can store large quantities of water, it is recommended that you are a conservative irrigation just prior to the wiring this tree.

Your Jade Bonsai must also repotting every two years. This process should take place in early spring. Allow soil and dry out fully before repotting. Is then placed in a shady place until you can see new growth. After the water it as usual.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Artificial plants for Feng Shui decorations

Nothing is so reviving that located under a beautiful plant with pale green petals in the corner of your room or at the entrance to the home or Office. To get a fresh bouquet of flowers placed beside your workstation is always welcoming. Not only do up your mood but also adds sophistication and class to your office decor. Live plants may be a problem due to the involved maintenance or may be messy with falling leaves, dispersed dust and dying flowers. Fortunately, you can always replace real plants with artificial plants, adds extra dash of color to your home or Office. The installations will be hassled free does not require any special care and, without doubt, make your look more inviting Interior.

One of the most wonderful facts about these imitations of natural plants is that they come in so many different varieties. You can get artificial shrubs, trees, shrubs, exotic plants and artificial silk flowers from a wide variety of different species to embellish your decors. More amazingly, all these varieties of plants and flowers when well placed, in accordance with Feng Shui change your family fortunes and harmonize your life.

Feng Shui, literally translated to "wind-water" in English, is an ancient Chinese practice to achieve harmony with the environment through the design and layout of the space and the location of the object in an environment. Location of objects is practised on patterns of yin and yang, is the flow of negative and positive chi (energy). Artificial trees or plants is so promising as per Feng Shui and play an important role in strengthening their luck and bring wealth to your home.

According to Feng shui, it is recommended always to place a couple of good quality artificial plants either in the corner of your living room or bedroom or at the entrance to your hall. Wooded plants placed in the East, South or South-East corners of your office bring luck to your career while plants with pointed leaves should be placed in the kitchen, living room or Office for maximum inspiration. To bring positive energy and improving finances, you must place the money or jade plant with round and thick leaves in the southeastern corner of your home or Office.

Seven stalks of bamboo can bring good health, while eight stalks of bamboo will symbolize growth. They work well when located in the eastern part of your home page or workstation. Exquisite silk flowers made promotion in bright red colors harmony and soreness when placed in the bedrooms. Such rooms, relaxation, however, proposed not to include plants with spines, spikes or sharp blade. Instead, use round-multi-coloured plants as schefflera, monstera or calathea. The most popular feng shui plants and flowers include bamboo, fig, palms, Dracaena, money, plants, hanging baskets, peonies, chrysanthemums and daffodils.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

As spring rolls around

The judgment must be exercised in respect of the use of commercial fertilizers, particularly around Golden Oldies and rock plants, which in turn strong chemicals. Manure is well dissolved or compost, is safe to use almost everywhere. But do not put barnyard manure on your lawn, unless it has been composted, or you will reap a fine new crop of weeds. Dried sheep or cow manure, while more expensive than most manure per unit of plant foods is useful on the lawns. Feed your plants if they are to be healthy and beautiful. It applies to the shade and fruit trees, as to the smaller kinds. If you are in doubt as what to use, and how, consult a good Garden Guide, your local garden experts or your seeds-Shop man. By all means start a compost heap, if you do not already have a, and build up a stock of homemade humus. If the results this season, however, it is better to buy some fertility this spring. It will be at least a year before a compost pile will be ready to help you.

Anyway, if your fertility poorly run you will need to put back some of the mineral elements such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus from commercial sources. In addition to this fundamental question plant food and hygiene, each garden a little dressing now and then. The addition of a couple of flowering shrubs, a new rose bush or two, some vines on the House or garage, a couple new golden oldies or some of the laws of lier hardy plants, such as Iris species, peonies, phlox, daffodils, or a good planting of seasonal fish, will work wonders. All and everything looks worn out at this time of year in the North. As spring rolls around spruce up the old place by giving it a little loving care and attention. Every garden is different.

See your site with a critical eye; have a family consultation; Don't be afraid to Let your imagination go. If you need help, get some of the new seed or plant school catalogs or some books on landscaping. They will provide you with more ideas than you can put to work in a single season. Make a planting right corresponding to plan on a heavy sheet of paper. You don't have to do everything the first year, but put your ideas on paper anyway. If your temperament goes against the community improvement, there are plenty of good work to do with our Parks, playgrounds, schools, churches and other public grounds. Unless your city is unusual, there is a need for a lot of municipal face-lifting.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Baby Jade Bonsai-perfect indoor Bonsai choice

Baby Jade Bonsai is an excellent choice for bonsai gardeners all skill levels who want an indoor bonsai. Baby Jades are succulent, tropical plants native to Africa. Although they are a fairly new variety of bonsai, Baby Jades completely popular due to their tremendous appearance.

Baby Jade, also known as elephant Bush, have a fleshy trunk, branches and leaves that are used to store water. The leaves are pale green in color, almost round in shape and about a third of the leaves of a normal jade plant. In its natural environment grows Baby Jade to six metres in height.

Baby Jade Bonsai care and maintenance

Baby Jade bonsai is perfectly suitable to be an indoor bonsai. You must provide it with suitable lighting so the tree can produce food. Water is of course a must, however, the Baby Jade bonsai can survive very well with long intervals between watering. In reality, this plant has a difficult time surviving if over watered.

Dryness in your tree is encapsulated in the soil is the best gauge to determine irrigation needs. You want to monitor land and water your Baby Jade bonsai when the soil is dry. Although Baby Jade can go long periods of time without an irrigation, we must never go too far!

Baby Jade bonsais tends to grow rapidly. Your shaping preferences will determine how much time and how often you use this aspect of the bonsai gardening. Don't worry, your hard work will be rewarded. Baby Jade is a beautiful plant, especially when the flowering.

Baby Jade's bark will go through various stages in its life. It starts with a green bark. As the tree matures, turn off the bark deep red. When the closing stages of maturity is reached, a beautiful natural coloring gray will take over. The flowers of Baby Jade bonsai is purple color with pink edges shaped like stars.

More conservative bonsai Gardener might not want to choose a Baby Jade to a bonsai, as they are not part of the traditional species used. However, the Baby Jade has shown that it successfully can be done to a bonsai, and will reward Gartner wise enough to choose one with years of beauty and peace.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Best care of Bonsai trees

There are some people love flowers and plants, and even now know the bonsai trees. Such people should know that "bonsai" is a Japanese word which means magazine planted and bonsai trees, which are smaller, rather, miniature version of the larger trees. The origin of the trees are located in Japan and their size ranges from a few inches to a few feet depending on the type of plant-protection products on the market into account. First timers will be surprised to know that these special trees, also bear fruit and flowers as well as their normal counterparts. Before a teacher how to take care of bonsai trees, they should know more about their types. The trees thumbnail exists in two different types of outdoor and indoor.

In General, most of them are outside the variety, there are some who survives indoor also and they are the subtropical and tropical varieties. Took care of bonsai trees also means that you are familiar with these different types, and select those that suit your surroundings. For example, if you plan to travel subtropical or tropical bonsai trees, you should ensure that you place them in a place where they can receive adequate sunlight in the morning and shadow during the evening. You should also ensure that you do not expose your trees to extreme sunlight as many varieties of such trees are not able to withstand intense heat.

To take proper care of bonsai trees should you now about these different varieties of such trees and some of the indoor varieties include baby jade, fig, sago palms, some elm varieties serissa, pachira, fukien tea and gardenia. Ask any authority who know and take care of bonsai trees and they tell you that the outside varieties of them is divided into two different groups. This is the primary group of evergreen trees such as Juniper, azalea and lighthouse. As the name suggests, maintain these evergreen trees their blade in spite of the season. Their rest period is generally in the winter, in which time a can observe a yellow glow around their leaves.

Then there are deciduous trees, and they include maples and elms. Deciduous trees are prone to shedding their leaves during the autumn season and they bid again during the spring time. Although there are different types of bonsai trees, all have one point in common, and you should know this if you intend to take care of them, except for some rare exceptions, most bonsai trees specific care. It is necessary to protect them from excessive cold and heat, depending on the local climate. One also needs to take care of the humidity levels, and you should try to maintain the same as possible. It is wiser to choose a bonsai plant, which is appropriate for your area, rather than monitoring and change the humidity levels for wood, a difficult task, if you plan to go an outdoor black humidity levels.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Best tree in order to start your Bonsai Hobby

Miniature bonsai trees have always brought smiles and joy set. When you walk through the Garden store or florist shop with bonsai trees on view, you will see many varieties. Some flowering and others have straight blades. When you start with bonsai gardening as a hobby, you must consider the type of tree that you can expect some success. Most recommended tree for beginners is Jade tree.

Jade tree is a tropical plant. It is a succulent from South Africa. It is also known as small leaves Jade plant or elephant. This tree will develop faster, other types of bonsai. The strain is extensive. Compared with other types, this tree does not need to be watered often because it keeps water in its thick foliage, branches and trunk.

You must provide proper tree care. Since it is a tropical plant, it should be kept inside if you live in a cold climate. If you live in a warm area, it may be an outdoor installations. To this plant, the soil should be moist, so be careful when irrigation the. not more than water.

When the tree is young, is stripped of its bark, green. As it becomes larger, bark turns reddish brown, and then to a slate gray color. The leaves are fleshy and has a blue-green color, which produces bunches of star-shaped pink to purple flowers in autumn. Thick and thin trunk and branches create beautiful Cascades.

Cropping and framing is an essential part of the care of this tree. Keep the body strong and cropping reduces the size of the blade. If you reduce the strain, this will encourage new growth from wounds after a week or two. You should pinch gently on the trunk and branches because Jade tree is soft and delicate.

When the nodes are full of water, they become turgid. Jade Tree corresponds well to the cables and can be contoured to new shapes within three to four weeks. Be careful with the wiring, because nodes may snap if they are bent too much. Before wiring installation, be conservative irrigation it.

Jade tree should be repotted every other year. Before the repotting, be sure to check the soil is completely dry. This activity should take place at the beginning of spring. Place your newly repotted installations in a shady place until you see the new growth. After the water it as usual.

When you see the success you have with Jade tree, you can try a different type of installations for your bonsai gardening.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Bonsai Jade-makes these catastrophic errors?

Have you ever brought a bonsai tree and not known exactly how care it?, I did. When I was first attracted by bonsai many years ago I brought a, and so had this bonsai jade sitting on my desk and I don't have a clue what to do with it.

My bonsai jade turns yellow, and blade had begun to fall, and because of my lack of knowledge tree died, heck if I had brought a secure plastic that would of died.

That experience was so frustrating, and yet in retrospect could of been avoided so easily, I should of looked for advice on my jade before purchase bonsai, I should of checked to ensure that it could be kept indoors, even how and when to water detJeg made many disastrous mistakes to name, all results in losing bonsai jade, but you don't have to commit the same mistakes I did at the time.

You can solve your problems easy, if you know how, back, and then I did not have the Internet, you do so, let me explain, its ok to read books on the subject when you know what you do, but for a beginner its notyou could attend classes or courses, but what is the price, so use of the Internet, you can find answers to your problems and see everything in the video.

You might think right but news costs? There are no costs, you can see a bonsai jade rod cropped, a tree-shaped, bonsai seeds planted, and more, all free, all done by experts, and best of all the video is updated with new content as it becomes available each day. You owe it to yourself and your bonsai do not make the same mistakes I did.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Bonsai Tree Bonsai Tree Guide

To jumpstart your bonsai gardening hobby, you must first select the right kind of bonsai tree, which will provide for cutting, cropping, and training of branches and roots and cabling give rise to the shape and design of a plant species that you had planned.

While selecting a bonsai tree, you must pay attention to various factors such as climate change, temperature, your lifestyle, care and maintenance, your choices and preferences, congruity with the decor in your home, etc.

There are indoor bonsai trees and out of the door bonsai trees. For the category in the past elections are a little limited. If you lead a busy lifestyle and pushed again and you feel, you won't be able to devote much time or labour behind the care and maintenance of your bonsai, you should choose low maintenance and hassle free bonsai tree is Hardy and requires minimal care.

Some people have a fascination of the exotic bonsai tree species from far from land, which not only requires optimal care, but also find it difficult to adapt to the foreign climate. Adaptability is a factor, which you should always keep in mind while selecting a bonsai tree, because when you do not your bonsai species to perish after spending close to a fortune on its transit and care.

For example, tropical trees will find it difficult to adapt in a Canadian or Norwegian or Russian winter. Most horticultural experts will recommend indigenous native plants that do not require Acclimatization, easily adapted to the surroundings is hassle free and requires a little care. They are ideal for busy executives on the go.

What I am trying to hammer on-fall just not for fancy looks or exotic appeal. It is a common error that cost people loved ones. The following is a list of bonsai tree which can be ideal for you. Choose whichever one you like.

Bonsai tree

Zelkova serrata
Grape musts vines
Swamp cypress
Mountain ash
Umbrella tree
Tree thousand stars
The Willows
Chinese bird plum
Black locust or false Acacia
Varieties of plums, cherries, black thorn
Norway Spruce
Philippine bantigue
Virginia Klatrende
Boston ivy
Heavenly or sacred bamboo
Flowering Crab apples
Star magnolia
Honeysuckle Shrub
Sweet gum
June pers
English Ivy
Honey locust
Maidenhair tree
Forsythia × Intermedia
Spindle trees
Christmas Star
Elea Gnu
Common Quince
Chinese Quince
Smoke tree
Winter hazel
Judas tree
Fukien tea
Box tree
Horse chestnut
Japanese maple

These are the names of these bonsai trees, you can also choose from their different sub varieties.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Bonsai trees to the House and garden

What plants, with the exception of ferns and cut-leaf maples, would you recommend to be included in a Japanese garden? There are a wide range of plants, could be used in a Japanese garden. It depends on what type of Garden you have in mind. Japanese gardens have evolved from primitive "tei" gardens to the gardens, which was influenced by Sung and Tang dynasties.

These gardens were very sumptuous and rendered dramatic landscape features. There were also Buddhist gardens, plotted paradise on Earth. Influenced by the tea ceremony and its aesthetics, feudal Japan, military lords ordered some very interesting gardens that still exist. My Favorites are the Zen gardens and their simplicity. As you can see, there are many different types of Japanese Gardens, and they could use many different types of plants and materials.

Most all Japanese Gardens are used as a place of peace and quite. A way for Gartner to get out of the world and just enjoy even to itself and there family. A lot of gardeners take much pride in that garden. That garden reflects the way the gardener looks or feels when they go to the garden. A lot of monks and Buddhist spends much time cleaning and gardens just enjoy the large gifts, as they were supplied. They believe that if you listen hard enough you can hear the plants talk to you.

Bonsai refers to miniaturizing of a plant, but it does not identify the type of plant that it is. There are hundreds of different types of bonsai plants. All bonsai plants, which have never the same name, but the only thing they have in common is that they are from bonsai family. A full description of the plant-leaf dimensions, leaves color, number of stems growing from the Earth, not branch stem or grow straight, the bark and other distinguishing marks, which would have the effect of ID your plant.

There are many types of bonsai trees, for example: Madagascar bonsai Palm, jade bonsai and azalea bonsai. Bonsais is rarely easy and almost always very expensive-and profitable! Unlike many bonsais, a Jade survive as a potted plant. Bonsais is encapsulated in a variety of containers in different sizes and shape and with varied soil compositions.

But not all, jade bonsai is the same. Under good information about the type of bonsai and what is needed is something you can ask where you go and get your plants from, take the information from the Internet, look at the books on bonsais, or you can speak with another Gartner about it.

Azalea Bonsai is difficult to keep because Azalea will not tolerate dryness and Bonsais has little soil and small pots, so they dry out quickly. In other words, you may have to water your Azalea every day or two, although I cannot be sure without knowing the size and other factors. Desiccation, you mentioned is probably caused by excessive soil dryness.

In addition, your Azalea needs at least a couple of hours of direct sun every day, and it prefers cool temperatures. It can do better outside in a cool semi shaded area in the warmer months. This is certainly not an easy plant as it is very unforgiving of any lapse in irrigation, lighting or temperature.

The presence of fungus gnats is a good indicator that the Earth is staying also damp and the roots are rotting Fungus gnat larvae. feed on decaying roots. I cannot say how often your Bonsai should be watered, but it is clear that you watering too frequently. I would suggest irrigation is not more than twice a week, as long as there is no evidence that the plant Wilts. This will help brake root rot, which, in contrast to the gnats, will kill the plant.

Adults fly around and fungal gnats is annoying, but they are not harmful to humans. Each gnat live around 5 days. The trick is to get rid of the next generation-gnat larvae, which live in the upper layer of the Earth. Try to keep the soil so dry as possible. Remove all loose soil and rocks from the surface and place 1/2 inch slices of raw potatoes on the surface of the Earth. These potato slices will attract gnat larvae.

After a day or so, discard the slices together with larvae inside. Repeat this until there are no more larvae in potato. You must just be a bit more careful with how much water you give your bonsai after all larvae are gone. Make sure that you keep you bonsai tree in the Sun.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Care and growth of New Ovata or Jade plants a flowering Succulent winter garden favorite

New ovata or Jade plants are Shrubby succulent that makes excellent choice for dry gardens and container plants. Xeriscaping with drought-tolerant cactus and succulent plants has become popular in the dry areas or places where water conservation is a concern. Jades has thick, deep green leaves sometimes generosity is bound with red borders. Shape magazines, as well as the name implies, is oval-shaped ovata from 1-2 cm long.

New ovata develop thick, fat trunks, who has an aged appearance and eventually will grow up to 8 metres high. In late winter get jade plants 3 inch clusters of light pink to pale salmon flowers with five petals. These perennials are drought tolerant and only need water every month or so.

Indoor, succulent jade plants make good houseplants. They prefer bright, indirect light and may take a few hours in direct sunlight, but they are also adapted to low light. In a pot Jade bo small and can even be used for bonsai. New ovata is sometimes confused with New argentia, which has a similar growth habit, but has a silvery gray leaves. New is usually not bothered by insects or disease. Biggest problem crassulas face can come from over watering. This will result in a soggy Brown, rotten trunk.

In the garden growing drought-tolerant jade plants in shade to full sun. Hottest desolate areas, New better when they don't have a whole day in full sun. New ovata is Hardy to 41 degrees (5 degrees). A light frost appears on the Brown dots on the blade. Indirect protection is usually enough to protect Succulents during a light frost. Heavy frost or a deep freeze will turn the leaves Brown and shriveled. Frozen leaves will fall, or you can sweep them with your hands. If the plant branch or trunk port based is not corrupted, form the new sprout in a few weeks.

Green jade plants are able to live on rainfall alone in many areas. In my Southern California garden, New fortunately grows in full sun and shadow, in heavy alkaline, clay soil. You can see photos of flowering jade plants on.

Root cuttings just as jade plant or gollum jade, starts with a 5 or 6 inch cutting. Bury around half of the stalk's in soil. This will give you deep roots and helps the plant withstand drought better. Keep the soil moist (like a squeezed sponge). Cut back to monthly irrigation after one month. The leaves are likely to shrivel slightly, as the plant form roots: the liver out of stored energy in its leaves. This is normal. You can also lose some blade, which is also normally. The plant will start growing again and can even flower in one year.

New plants are versatile and easy to grow. Their winter bloom to make jade plants a great addition to any garden or home networking landscape.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Care for Bonsai plants to know about

Bonsai, pronounced "bone-suk" (singular and plural) is dwarfed plants or trees grown in shallow pans or trays. The Japanese developed the art of Bonsai, many hundreds of years ago. They tried to capture the beauty of the strange dwarfed trees, which managed to grow under the most unfavourable conditions. Today, the beauty of these trees be replicated indoor cropping roots and top growth, restrict the pot size and shape the plant by wiring it. Plants for Bonsai varies from traditional trees such as June pers and cypresser flowering and fruiting shrubs and trees such as Azaleas and camellias for tropical plants such as jade and Fig. With a little special care, it can bring a little taste of Bonsai Orient in your home.

Basic care requirements are as follows:

1) Light-preferred an unimpeded West, East or South window, the South is best in winter. Grow light can also be used successfully with Bonsai.

2) water and fertilizer-requires the small pots regular irrigation, typically once a day. The target frequent irrigation decomposes rapidly so fertilizing nutrients recommended (at half strength) monthly.

3) Temperature-average house temperatures 68-72 degrees is fine, but plants typically like to nights to drop 10-15 degrees below the average daytime temperature. Marketing installations between window and curtain normally meets this requirement. Some trees have a dormant cold period during the winter and can weather outdoors in 2-3 months in a sheltered place.

4) Humidity-to increase humidity indoors group plants together and dew on a daily basis. You can also use a room humidifier or place plants on a hill in humid pebbles.

If you want to know more about growing Bonsai, you can read Brooklyn Botanic Garden's excellent manual entitled Bonsai for Indoors.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Collecting societies Chinese Snuff bottles-magical stone pictures!

Over a good many years we have created, though I say it myself, quite an important Snuff Bottle Collection. My wife, thank goodness, shares my interest in these little bottles, but perhaps I should warn you, collecting anything is a bit like a bug, once caught, it is with you for ever and can be quite an obsession!

Have you ever searched for pebbles or shells along the sea shore, selecting them for either colour or shape and found an appeal in handling them, so much so, that you simply could not throw them away? If so, you have the makings of a dedicated collector.

Part of the pleasure of owning these snuff bottles is the tactile appeal found in handling them.

Boundless Possibilities
There is also such a vast and diverse number of collecting possibilities. A collection could be based on any of the great Chinese fine arts and in each field it would be possible to have really important fine examples in this form of miniature works of art.

There are collections based on jade and hard stone carvings, others prefer glass and 'overlay glass', or Chinese porcelain, or enamels and cloisonne, or you might like to base a collection on Paintings.

I can imagine how you find it hard to perceive a collection of snuff bottles based on Chinese paintings but they exist. Remarkable signed landscape scenes and even portraits with superb calligraphy (often poems) have actually been painted on the inside of glass and even stone snuff bottles.

Some collections feature uncarved bottles of rare stones, or lacquer, or amber and ivory. Most collections consist of the collector's favourite subject but include a variety of other treasured bottles. There are collections that use as a theme; animals, or a colour such as 'Imperial yellow', or blue and white, and as there are so many possibilities, no two collections ever look the same.

International Connections
For anyone considering buying snuff bottles I should explain that it is an international pursuit. There is even an 'International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society' with a large and active membership. Having been members over a long period we have found that fellow members are such interesting and friendly people.

There is a bond between a collector that leads to friendship, until we meet in the auction rooms that is! It is well worth joining, as there is a very informative, quarterly magazine, full of good colour photographs. Information is surprisingly, freely shared amongst members and by the specialist dealers. So much can be learned this way, in fact far more than just by studying the many very fine, beautiful books on the subject.

Dangerous Temptations
Most people's first encounter with these snuff bottles is likely to be at antique shops, auctions or antique fairs, otherwise in a museum or perhaps by meeting a collector. Once seen, certain people are tempted when next coming across a bottle to buy, but all too often these first purchases are of very poor quality. Later on, having acquired more knowledge, these first bottles so often prove to be disappointing. They often can turn out to be very costly mistakes. Unfortunately, there are far too many very poor bottles about, some are even brand new, made to cash in from the collecting craze. Even an article like this one can cause someone to go and buy without sufficient knowledge, I do hope not.

My advice is that apart from joining the society, attend some snuff bottle auctions and visit some of the specialist dealers.

When you go to the auction rooms be sure to go on the viewing days, usually one or two days before the sale. The first impression will probably be one of disappointment as there will be lots of poor quality snuff bottles and to see so many all lying down, behind glass, is not the best way of presenting them.

Be sure to select a few that appeal to you and ask to inspect them. You will then be given a chance to handle some, and that is when the magic can begin. I do not know how to explain what happens, but there is something of a tactile pleasure that is only obtained from handling a good piece.

Our Collection
I should point out that our first bottle did not immediately grab my attention. Surrounded by many beautiful and more colourful snuff bottles of all shapes and sizes in a dealers display cabinet, this brown and beige coloured bottle looked rather drab. Eventually, I came round to inspect it and before too long I knew that I had to buy it.

Only another collector can fully appreciate that overpowering urge that comes over one, it is the closest feeling to that of love at first sight. I have been told that one's pupils tend to enlarge, and this is one of the signs that dealers watch out for, and as collectors, of course, we always try desperately to camouflage our interest. This snuff bottle was purchased, which is still a favourite, and it has formed the basis of our collection.

Our collection included many types of snuff bottles but features mostly hard stones, known as 'Picture Agates', each one of these being a unique piece, as there can never be two alike. To fully appreciate these snuff bottles I need to tell you more about how a stone bottle was made. All good early snuff bottles were made to be used and they needed to be small, yet capable of holding plenty of snuff, not too heavy as they were carried on their person, often in the sleeve. All these bottles were designed to feel comfortable in the hand and were sealed with a cork, to keep the snuff at its best.

In Europe hinged boxes were used but perhaps the humidity in China caused them to prefer bottles with corks. All snuff bottles have a stopper on to which a cork is fixed, and at the other end of the cork is an ivory spoon. These stoppers rarely matched the bottles other than in size and shape. It was a matter of personal choice as to what type and colour was considered best to go with the snuff bottle.

Well Hollowed Bottles
Stone bottles were carved in a large variety of shapes but always with a fairly small opening in the neck normally about 5mm in diameter. Just imagine a lump of quartz rock that is quite impossible to scratch even with your stainless steel penknife, yet in the 18th century this was carved into a bulbous shaped bottle.

Next it was drilled through the neck and hollowed out through this small hole, so that even difficult areas such as the shoulders of the bottle are really thin. Fine bottles are so well hollowed that they look more like blown glass, and are aptly described as 'Eggshell Thin'. Should you place them in a bowl of water they will trap enough air to float.

Although I have mentioned that drilling was used, the information available about the manufacturing methods is incredible, as the drill and cutting discs were foot operated 'Heath Robinson' affairs. However I do believe after many years experience, they acquired more control and feel than is possible with modern electronic equipment (essential in working on jade as certain parts of the stone can easily fracture whilst other areas are very hard).

Most of the carving was achieved by grinding with jade, gem stone, sand and other abrasive particles. First by drilling and then hollowing out by carefully grinding away with special file-like tools. These tools were made by hammering metal shapes over the abrasive particles that once embedded, were easily bent to reach the most awkward parts.

The Chinese appreciated these wonderful stone snuff bottles and they were fashioned from many types of stone, the purity of the material, particularly the jade being highly prized. The chalcedony or quartz bottles once 'Eggshell thin' show up remarkable markings formed from the formation of the crystals.

From Flaws to Pictures
Everyone I am sure can appreciate such bottles, as the lovely shapes and purity of the stone just cannot fail to impress. What I find even more fascinating is the amazing way they deliberately, brilliantly took advantage of flaws and inclusions often present in the stones.

Most quartz and jade stones have an outer layer of a different colour, particularly the pebbles from the riverbeds. They also have faults and flaws plus other coloured material, often deep in the stone. Sometimes these can be very thin skin-like inclusions, in others large blobs are found.

The problem is no one knows just what is in the rock until, as the cuts are made, the secrets of the stone are revealed. It is with this type of material that 'Picture agates' are made. The best of these incredible snuff bottles look as if the inclusion, that forms the image, has appeared in just the right place as if to order!

There are different types of work within this group of bottles and the first ones are what we call 'Cameo' carvings. These take advantage of an outer skin or a blob type of inclusion; they can be quite thick and are carved in relief. Another type is called 'Shadow Agates' and these take advantage of markings in the bottle where, with the help of a little carving, an image is created. Lastly, the most fascinating ones are called 'Silhouette Agates' but in this group no apparent carving is required. The image is achieved mainly by the angle and choice of shape, as well as the size and position of the bottle to be formed out of the rock. These bottles have to be seen to be believed.

What is really mind blowing to me is the fact that some of these bottles have pictures on both sides!

Sadly, few of them were signed. We only know that there was a certain school of carvers known as the 'Suzhou School'. Their works are easily recognised by the style and quality of the carving, plus the fact that they make use of every mark in the stone to form the picture. They are amazing bottles when good, but there are later works that tend to look too stiff and the carving lacks the more fluid artistic touch of the master carvers. Unfortunately, hardly any of these bottles are really well hollowed.

Our First Snuff Bottle
So to describe my first purchase, this was a 'Shadow Agate picture bottle' involving a little carving, and very well hollowed. It is a most appropriate subject and colour for a Snuff Bottle because the russet inclusions have been used to show 'Putai Ho-Shang'. He is always depicted as a very corpulent man with a bare chest and abdomen and he is the patron saint of tobacconists. In this bottle he appears surprised by a bat whilst sitting below some tobacco leaves. The bat to the Chinese is a good luck symbol. You can see how easily he appears, nicely placed within the bottle yet only his head and a suggestion of his hand have been carved. (See the photograph by using the link at the bottom of this article).

We owned a number of 'Picture Agates' and to illustrate the different types described, the photograph of the duck with lingzhi fungus in its beak is a good 'Silhouette' example. Incidentally, the fungus is a symbol for wishing long life. This bottle is very unusual as there is a recess carved originally to create the image that serves as a built in dish. (See the photograph by using the link at the bottom of this article).

Lastly, a superb bottle of fishes with pictures on both sides: the pair of fishes are 'cameo' carved and to the Chinese represent fidelity and happy conjugal rights in marriage. On the other side a fish and aquatic plants make use of every mark in the stone, all this on a well shaped bottle that is very well hollowed. All these bottles illustrated were made between 1750 and 1860. (See the photograph by using the link at the bottom of this article).

To effectively judge hard stone carvings, the first consideration should be concerned with the overall artistic impression. You need to be satisfied that the work looks well composed and well positioned and that the images formed are flowing rather than stiff and awkward. The next stage is to have a closer look at the technical skills. When I look at a cameo type of carving I study the shape and finish of the background, close to the edge of the carving. On poorer bottles this can be indented, uneven and not so well polished as the rest. Really fine examples look as if the raised cameo part has simply been glued onto a beautifully formed bottle. Engraved work at its best is very precise and provides the detail. When closely looking at a poor bottle the engraved parts can look very crude.

Beware, amazing glass imitation stone bottles exist. To check for these use a magnifying glass and look for tiny bubbles or pin size holes on the surface. As a last resort if still in doubt, a penknife will easily scratch the base if it is glass, whereas a stone will not be marked.

In evaluating the value of all artwork a careful check for any damage is essential. With stone bottles the following points should help. Firstly, assess how well the bottle has been hollowed by holding it up to the light. Inspect the stone from all angles in the light and with light from behind. If the stone is cracked it will be visible often as a star shape from the point of impact. Some stones have natural flaws that are not cracks. I then have a good look at the foot rim and the neck of the bottle, as these areas are the most susceptible to damage. If none is apparent I consider the proportions to make sure neither has been ground down to remove a chip.

When inspecting the neck as viewed looking down into the bottle the top surface should be concave, not flat. Bottles that have had the neck repaired to remove any damage are always flat, and you can be sure no longer original.

Snuff Bottles Were Used
There is one other criterion that I personally believe is important. Most of the best stone bottles were made between 1750 and 1860, although many poor bottles have been made since then, right up to the present day. These late bottles were not really made for use, and some are referred to as 'Cabinet Pieces' and can fairly easily be identified. They are poorly hollowed, if at all. Some just have a drilled hole in them and so they feel far too heavy. They also tend to be very showy in choice of materials, with impractical rather high and sharp carving that feels most uncomfortable in the hand. There are others so delicately carved that one instinctively knows that they could not survive actual use. It is only possible to make these judgements by comparison. Experience is needed and takes time to acquire.

Small is Beautiful
There are advantages in collecting very small items as they are not too obtrusive and can easily be locked away. This is very important if your partner does not share your interest! They can also make a beautiful display without completely disrupting your home.

Try to be certain that you really are enthusiastic about collecting before you buy one. Once you place one in your home and it looks so small and appealing, it is only a matter of time before you will come to the conclusion that a little group of bottles will look so much better. This tends to play on one's mind and that is how we all get hooked!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Dangerous plants and your cat and dog

You can do many things to keep your cats or dogs from injury, but an inconspicuous danger can still in the House-your plants and foods.

Curious pets can take a taste of any installation. A pet feel the need for self-medicate (as cats eat grass), and so the factory in a pool might tempt them, or they can just be curious. Despite being toxic taste some plants well (for instance, the taste of a berry is no indication of its security, as some berries can taste fine but be extremely dangerous).

It is also no guarantee If a plant is edible by humans. Many plants can be toxic to pets, even completely safe for humans. For example, the onion very toxic to cats. Also, the quantities, to pet animals must eat much affected less than we should eat, because of their small size.

Although many houseplants are completely safe, many do not, and it is necessary to be aware of what those to avoid.

Cats must avoid entirely: Chinese evegreen, crotons, peace lillies, bulbs, lily spider, rubber plant, iris, Evergreen, red susan, Belladonna, Daffodil (pear and installations), tobacco (such as ashtray anode butts), rhododendron, asparagus fern, Rhubarb, Danish Ivy and other ivys, tulip plants and bulbs, lily of the valley, Easter lily, aloe vera, holly, Oriental lily, chrysanthemum, jasmine, java beans, potatoes, poppy plants, fungi, umbrella, honeysuckle, misteltenen, amaryllis bulbs, apple seeds, sweet pea, poinsettia, yews (all types), tiger lily, baby's breath, calendula, morning glory, philodendron, eggplant, and eucalyptus, which may include a wide range of plants in your home and dining Chamber.

Dogs must be kept away from (among others): Croton, apricot, Chinese evergreen, Daffodil, Easter lilly, jasmine, baby's breath, philodendron, potato, Hydrangea, poinsettia, apple, mushrooms, corn plant, honeysuckle, fungi, mountain laurel, mother-in-law's tongue, walnuts and many nuts, apple, PEAR seeds, aloe, holly, umbrella plantGreen potatoes (especially skins), lily Valley, virginia creeper, peace lily, jade, hyacinth, Wisteria, iris, Plum, peach, apricot, cherry, mines, schefflera, Almond, black-eyed susan, fig, Danish Ivy, tomato plants (and green tomatoes), and yews. These will include a wide range of plants in your House and larder.

Note that this list is not complete. If you are in doubt about any plants, research in your library or on the Internet, consult a knowledgeable friends or if all else fails, get rid of the item.

Even if you value really a favorite plant, get your dog or cat first. If any installation, creating a health problem, it is an easy choice what you must do, and you can make the right decision for your pets welfare.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Gardening Tips-key elements to create a Bonsai

Offering a refined good Bonsai is a beautiful pastime, one can practice at home without much strain or the expense. If you are an ardent lover of Bonsai varieties of trees, it's time to learn the basics of making bonsai prior directly jump into the field in a hurry. Knowledge of the appropriate varieties techniques for trimming leaves and buds, fertilizing practices, irrigation and soil selection process needed to be a triumphant Bonsai Augustos.

The selection of the installation

Fundamental in making bonsai begins at the moment when one person chooses the right niceties of plant protection products on the market. It is a good piece of news for all cultivators, almost any number of plants are suitable for this kind of amateur cultivation. Most often, however, choose the cultivators plants such as Ficus, figs, Cedar, Elm, Mango tree, Cedar and Jade plant. Seeds of plants are also useful in connection with Bonsai, in addition to the grafted and potted plants. It is advisable to plant Bonsai plant in a pot that has at least four-inch height and 6-inch (305 mm) radius. Fix plant inside the earth filled the pool after cropping roots angularly.

Selection of soils

At the same time, fundamental in trying to make bonsai, we must introduce special interest to choose apt variety soil. It should not be too stopper or also dry. Fertile soil would, of course, be more useful to compare, of varieties produced by mixing together the number of dung. Prepare soil by mixing 3 parts of a half-burnt clay, 3 parts blade mould with two parts of coarse sand. Add a handful of pests compost or organic compost will be more fruitful. Apply a spoonful fertilizer twice a month would be enough for easy growth. Cow manure can also be used during the process of family planning policy.

Beware of pests

Infestation is common on Bonsai range of plants. However, proper care thwart effectively with in the invaders. Pay special attention to the spider mites, which positively enjoy low humidity of indoor environment and destroy your plants. Spider Mites are not visible to the naked eye, but their presence can be noted by the appearance of the tray between blades. It can be solved by common insecticides. Fungus gnats can also be found in and around compost of bonsai. If the bonsai compost is found to be too wet all the time, consider a change in your irrigation practices. Fungus gnats are almost always indoors, when moss growing on the surface of nature that are not removed beforehand. Ensure adequate and appropriate, sunlight on the installation where you just place it attract people.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Gollum Jade or New Portulacea Succulent plants for dry gardens or easy Houseplants

Succulent Drought Tolerant Plants for Dry Gardens and Easy Houseplants: Crassula Portulacea Spoon Jade aka Gollum Plant or a Fingers is Easy to Grow

Succulent plants are great choices for dry gardens. These plants are easy to grow in hot dry areas and also make great houseplants. One of my favorites is named crassula portulacea, commonly called Horseshoe or Spoon Jade. Recently they've been called Gollum Fingers because their dark green leaves look like fingers with reddish tips. These plants can take full sun to light shade. They are happy indoors or outdoors.

Water-wise succulent plants like heat and sun whether you grow them indoors or in the yard. They can take up to 6 hours of sun a day. If they develop yellow or brown spots on the leaves, it means they need a nice soak. Grown in pots they will remain small and are often used for bonsai. They will grow slowly and can be trimmed into the shape of trees. In the ground they will eventually reach a height of 4 to 5 feet tall. Older plants take on an otherworldly, gnarled look.

I love succulents because they are easy to grow and care-free. They are great if you don't have time to fuss over a plant. Crassula happily oblige and even produce blooms in later winter. They produce flower clusters that look like tiny bouquets of daisies. Bloom color can range from light to dark pink, some have a salmon/orange tint.

These flowering shrubs are called succulent plants because they store their water in their trunks, stalks and leaves. This allows them to get by with little water. All that stored water can make them susceptible to rot if they sit in a pool of wet dirt. Let the soil dry out between watering to keep them happy. Crassula are best grown in USDA Zones 9b – 11. Normally, mine are able to take a light frost for a few hours. This year we had freezing nights for a few days in a row and the top 1/3 of my plants became frozen and brown. The stalks that survived are now sprouting new leafs. They need over head protection in winter if you are in a cold area. They also have a better chance of surviving frost if the plants have been kept on the dry side.

Xeriscaping with drought-tolerant cactus and succulent plants has become popular out here in the southwest where we sometimes have water rationing and shortages. I've got a little corner of the garden which I'd like to look like an underwater grotto. That's a tall order here in Los Angeles we don't get a lot of rain, so I'm level things it with succulents. I think Neptune would be proud. Visit my website two to see photos. These succulent plants add a dramatic touch and remind me of some sort of sea plant or coral. Spoon Jade Crassula portulacea plants, or are a unique, easy and reliable addition to any water-wise garden.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Growing a Jade Plant Indoors

Because they are easy to grow and very tolerant of a range of conditions, is jade plants an ideal indoor plant grows. They grow well in pots and happiest in hot, dry conditions. They can tolerate long periods of dryness due to their succulent qualities and they require very little fertilizer.

These plants will live for many years and can grow up to five metres high, even when indoors. They are the perfect planting for the large, empty corner of a room with dark green leaves are often borders in red. When the flower they have clusters of pink or white flowers that are star-shaped, and these provide a nice screen.

If you want to prevent the disease and insect attacks, they require some maintenance, like any other plants.

If the Earth is allowed to remain dry for a long period, they will suffer leaf drop. In contrast, as well as, if they get wet feet they develop root rot. The ground must be kept moist during the warmer part of the year, and there should be longer intervals between waterings in the cooler months.

As long as these plants have good draining soil and a moderate and regular amount of water, they will thrive. The best land for them is cactus mix, which has been added to the organic material. A good balance is 1 part sphagnum peat moss to 3 parts coarse sand.

Jade plants should be exposed to full sun, near a South facing window for periods of four hours or perhaps more. Ensure that the temperature is too high, even though-the best area is between 65-75 degrees F (18-24 degrees C). Jade copes well with NIGHT time temperatures around 50 degrees F (10 degrees C). If the plants begin to show browning of leaves should be moved to a place where it will have less direct heat from the Sun.

The feeding requirements of the jade plant is simple. It will only require some liquid fertilizer every three to four months. A standard fertilizers will be fine. Overgrowth is not common in jade plants and they have nothing against not their roots being crowded. It is a good idea, but to leave any feeding until after the winter when the plant is dormant.

Spider mites, Mealybugs and enjoy snacking on many popular houseplants and jade plants are no exception. Mealy bugs can be banished is easy-just wipe the blade with an alcohol-soaked cloth. Spider Mites requires a little more effort, but they can be swept away when they are obvious or sprinkled if required.

Dryer sheets with a wet cloth to remove any build up of dust is beneficial for the plant, as it will help the plant to "breathe" through their pores, resulting in effective transpiration. Dead leaves should also be cropped, to keep the plant looking healthy and minimise disease.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Growing a nice Jade plant

Jade plants provides a wonderful opportunity for indoor home gardening. Because there is a large and easily grown in an open container, cultivates the ideal in hot, dry environment. Jade plants are succulents and they can tolerate lower irrigation conditions well and they do not require much fertilizer either.

These plants can live in a very long time and can reach up to five feet in height, even while growing indoors. They have dark green leave and some have a reddish trim, they make a perfect choice for a Shrub or a tree for a large, empty container. Jade plants producing beautiful clusters of star-shaped white or pink colored flowers that will add a splash of color in place.

As with other installations require jade plants some basic care in order to maintain a bug free and healthy plant.

Leaf drop can occur if the Earth is becoming excessively dry for a long period of time, but they are prone to root rot, if they are over watered. Damp soil that is maintained is OK, when the weather is warmer, as in the spring and summer. To allow the soil to dry slightly between watering is recommended in winter.

Make sure your plants have optimal soil drainage and moderate, regular watering will help get the correct balance for your plant. This can be achieved by using Cactus soil mixed organic material such as peat moss or coarse sand.

Make sure that these plants have very bright sunlight with a window facing South of exposure. The plant will Enjoy it and be grateful for four hours and sometimes more. Jade plants thrive best when temps between 65-75 ° F, but have no problems with NIGHT temps around 50 ° F to see the blade around the edges, but browning. Move the installation to a less direct sunlight position, if you notice this happening.

Feeding jade plant is quite easy. Just add some liquid fertilizer, all three or four months is enough. A typical 10/10/10 NPK mixture with certain micro-nutrients such as magnesium, works very well. You don't have to worry about overgrowth with these plants, since they are very tolerant have root bound conditions. Holding the feeding during the dormant winter is recommended.

If you notice any pests such as mealy bugs or spiders mites wipe the blade with a soft cloth or a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. Spider Mites are a little harder to handle, but can be physically brushed or sprayed away from, if it is necessary.

Be sure to keep the blades dust free using an occasional wipe with a damp soft cloth, even if you do not see any error. This will help the pores of the site in order to do their work and turn through a bad gas they absorb and even allow the exchange of CO2 and oxygen. Keep dead leaves cut is also required.