This is because a true gardening art form, in order to make bonsai growing work, you must have work and artistic creativity, plus patience, discipline and knowledge. Originally from China, and later extending to Japan where it has taken root and blossomed, the requirements for bonsai is not much, as some people imagine. The higher levels require more "masterful" knowledge; but bonsai is also one of the most convenient forms for gardening buffs to bybøre.
It can take up bonsai even without sufficient land space. Bonsai suits, who live in apartments and condominiums with only a balcony to the garden in. but most bonsai trees are not adapted to grow indoors. This is a common misconception that although you can grow almost all types of tree species as bonsai, only a few species can be grown "indoors." Even then it is not their natural behaviour grow indoors, but these few species can better tolerate indoor conditions in relation to most of the other.
As a general rule, trees grow in temperate climates need a rest period and in heat an indoor environment, they will die. A you see to be photographed indoor is almost always juveniles. On the other hand, trees from tropical areas often from forests with high canopies to shade the forest floor. they are better able to tolerate lower light conditions and modular temperature indoors. Tropical/Subtropical trees is so often the only choice for indoor bonsai trees.
Some bonsai tree species that can be grown Indoors is:
* Serissa foetida
* Adenium Obessum
* Ficus Benjamina
* Holiday Cactus (Schlumbegera)
* Jade Plant (New ovata)
* Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)
* Olive family species
* Brush Cherry (Eugenia mytrifolia)
* Schefflera arboricola
* Pomegranate (Punica sp)
* Azalea (Rhododendron sp)
* Chinese Sweetplum (Sageretia thea)
Bonsai have been cultivated indoors with only artificial light as their light source. Most species adapt well to the artificial light and will flourish even in the winter period. Examples of this are Serissa and Punica, while Chinese Elm and brush Cherry enters dormancy in winter. It is a good practice to take trees out in the course of the summer, which they want to take advantage of the Sun's rays, rather than keep feeding artificial light. Fluorescent light measuring about a meter long are typically used to give the artificial lighting.
Good air circulation in and around the pot is very beneficial for the plant. Small fans installed above lighting and running at low speed is appropriate. In fact, you can combine a "mini" greenhouse gases with a sufficiently large, fluorescent light and proper ventilation, like you see in aquariums. The leaves of bonsai should be as close as possible in the fluorescent unit without getting flamed the light, because the brightness falls quickly away the additional bonsai is from lighting. Best lighting options, consult an aquarium specialist near you; These guys often have good knowledge about how to grow aquatic tropical plants, which can be used for growing bonsai as well as.
Soil and feeding concerns, try to get soilless mix, because these are the easiest to handle, and regardless of nutritional deficiencies can be remedied with suitable mixtures of peat or bark. A typical bonsai soil composition is one-third sand, one third of peat and a third regular soil. Or you can try Akadama. Akadama soil and other pumice based often regarded as the best "land", because they are porous and absorb water, while still being able to drain easily water.
The most important thing to remember for the soil, is how deep the water can penetrate and how well it drains away. Typically requires a lot of small trees be watered daily, while the larger trees can be watered 2-3 times a week. One advantage with the Akadama soil, is you can tell if the soil is moist or not by looking at it. If it is damp, is dark in color and vice versa is dry.
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