Monday, 23 May 2011

To know the Bonsai easily

Bonsai is a word like ' bon ' refers to ' the magazine ' and "sai" to "planting". In simple means the word Bonsai art of planting dwarfed trees or plants into the pot or tray.

There are certain ideas in the mind of the people to Bonsai itself is the name of the plant. Bonsai is a hereditary dwarf plant; or to Bonsai are facilities which are brutal and Diocese kept small in size. But these are myths, is far from the truth. Bonsai is a technique of planting trees in dwarfed form in an artistic and pleasing manner with lots of tender and nutrients. Proper attention is given to the plant to improve its growth in a dwarfed form through regular trimming and cutting and by observing prescribed manner is specified for it.

Bonsai refers in particular to the preparation of and the use of creative visualization to a tree. This leads eventually to give an illusion of a naturally matured small wood. The art of growing and cultivating Bonsai plants incorporates the Japanese concept of shin-zen-bi, which stands for truth, goodness and beauty.

In Japanese culture related Bonsai to many of the ideals which their society is based. In Zen Buddhism-related Bonsai originating, in the past, men, nature, elements, and change, which is intestinal in this unique tree growing method. Bonsai reveals meditation and express himself through nature and returns the same care nature has given to man. But in today's world, Bonsai is considered as a hobby, where you can be close to nature and extend your gardens beauty.

What is the Bonsai?

Bonsai can be described as a tree or Shrub developed in a woody form with the following considerations:

1. is simple, Bonsai tree in the pot.
2. Its trunk is the most important part as roots must be visible to determine whether the tree is a good and healthy or not.
3. Bonsai should contain more branches in lower page as the Shrink size gradually when they come closer to the top of the tree. The distance between the branches decreases the closer at the top of the tree they are.
4. Bonsai should contain open areas in such a way as to distinguish it from a Shrub; It should be easily determinable as a dwarfed wood and never give the impression to be a Shrub.
5. A Bonsai may be areas of dead wood of jin and shari to give an impression of maturity.

The most popular species of Bonsai includes June pers, pines, cedars and many other tropical them. among the more popular styles are the slope, Cascade, extremely upright, informal upright and others.

Bonsai trees kept dwarfed and trained to be the same for the future by trim their branches and roots, frequent repotting, restrict new growth and wiring their branches and trunk in order to achieve the desired shape.

Bonsai plants can be grown through the seeds or cuttings from young trees and stunted plants removed for containers and Pots. Generally, the size of a Bonsai plant can be anywhere between 5 centimeters and 100 centimeters.

Provided with good tender, a Bonsai survive for decades. It can acquire impressive varieties from generation to generation and function as an admired and accepted the reminder of the people who took care of it.

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