Saturday, 28 May 2011

The healing power of plants

Cold can winter months of the year (especially right after Christmas vacation), shall be a Let-down. Many feel that the Let-down is a direct result of just completing an exciting, entertaining holiday and a return to the less exciting "norm". I am sure there is a lot of truth to think, but another factor is also responsible for this decline in enthusiasm. Separation from gardening and just outside in the fresh air and welcome the Sun is also partly responsible. At least it is for me.

I admit dagdrømmeri on warm, sunny days, where every time I leave the House, or return to it, I'm greeted by sweet fragrances in flowering shrubs, and security patches of vivid colors. I remember picking the sun-warmed tomatoes to eat fresh and cutting bunches of lavender to adorn my kitchen table. I remember waking at dawn to the sound of a dozen birds running their greetings to each other.

Back to reality. It is winter now. The dawn comes much later than in the days of the summer, and there is no happy birds running to welcome the new day. Neither are there fragrant shrubs or in front of the flowers. There are instead many gloomy skies and snow covered yards. It is the perfect recipe for a winter Let-down.

However, there are ways to combat winter offensive. Plants in all their varieties offer a greater uplift, both mentally and physically. It is proven that plants can help liberate environment dirty air.
When temperatures dipped and dwellings must have ovens running for a good portion of each day and night, air can be stale and even unhealthy. Plants are a great way to combat this problem.

Da maintain plants within a home environment is often quite different than that required for their survival of doors, it's helpful to know which plants are the hardiest. All plants require an appropriate amount of light, water, nutrients from the soil and a correct temperature range. Some, but will accept much more latitude in their demands. The following plants are hardy enough for almost anyone to care.

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria) have long, pointed leaves that can reach up to 4 ft. high.
2. Aglaoenema-plant makes good in low-light
3. Drecaena-these are a very tough, slow-growing plant with large leaves
4. Pothos wine-they come in a yellowish leaves black or a dark green. Hardy.
5. Philodendron-these may come into an upright black or as a wine.
6. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is very hardy and known for the air cleaning capacity
7. arrowhead Plant (Syngonium)-leaves are arrowhead-shaped, it is therefore the name.
8. Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia) this plant is lovely and distinctive, but also toxic.
9. Palm-many plant varieties which can be grown effectively indoors i.e., bamboo
10. Jade plant-needs a fair amount of light but is drought tolerant.

Select one of these (or many other varieties) to clean air in your home and lighten your outline in the process. Be sure to avoid dumb cane, if you have small children.

The healing power of plants

Cold can winter months of the year (especially right after Christmas vacation), shall be a Let-down. Many feel that the Let-down is a direct result of just completing an exciting, entertaining holiday and a return to the less exciting "norm". I am sure there is a lot of truth to think, but another factor is also responsible for this decline in enthusiasm. Separation from gardening and just outside in the fresh air and welcome the Sun is also partly responsible. At least it is for me.

I admit dagdrømmeri on warm, sunny days, where every time I leave the House, or return to it, I'm greeted by sweet fragrances in flowering shrubs, and security patches of vivid colors. I remember picking the sun-warmed tomatoes to eat fresh and cutting bunches of lavender to adorn my kitchen table. I remember waking at dawn to the sound of a dozen birds running their greetings to each other.

Back to reality. It is winter now. The dawn comes much later than in the days of the summer, and there is no happy birds running to welcome the new day. Neither are there fragrant shrubs or in front of the flowers. There are instead many gloomy skies and snow covered yards. It is the perfect recipe for a winter Let-down.

However, there are ways to combat winter offensive. Plants in all their varieties offer a greater uplift, both mentally and physically. It is proven that plants can help liberate environment dirty air.
When temperatures dipped and dwellings must have ovens running for a good portion of each day and night, air can be stale and even unhealthy. Plants are a great way to combat this problem.

Da maintain plants within a home environment is often quite different than that required for their survival of doors, it's helpful to know which plants are the hardiest. All plants require an appropriate amount of light, water, nutrients from the soil and a correct temperature range. Some, but will accept much more latitude in their demands. The following plants are hardy enough for almost anyone to care.

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria) have long, pointed leaves that can reach up to 4 ft. high.
2. Aglaoenema-plant makes good in low-light
3. Drecaena-these are a very tough, slow-growing plant with large leaves
4. Pothos wine-they come in a yellowish leaves black or a dark green. Hardy.
5. Philodendron-these may come into an upright black or as a wine.
6. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is very hardy and known for the air cleaning capacity
7. arrowhead Plant (Syngonium)-leaves are arrowhead-shaped, it is therefore the name.
8. Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia) this plant is lovely and distinctive, but also toxic.
9. Palm-many plant varieties which can be grown effectively indoors i.e., bamboo
10. Jade plant-needs a fair amount of light but is drought tolerant.

Select one of these (or many other varieties) to clean air in your home and lighten your outline in the process. Be sure to avoid dumb cane, if you have small children.

Monday, 23 May 2011

To know the Bonsai easily

Bonsai is a word like ' bon ' refers to ' the magazine ' and "sai" to "planting". In simple means the word Bonsai art of planting dwarfed trees or plants into the pot or tray.

There are certain ideas in the mind of the people to Bonsai itself is the name of the plant. Bonsai is a hereditary dwarf plant; or to Bonsai are facilities which are brutal and Diocese kept small in size. But these are myths, is far from the truth. Bonsai is a technique of planting trees in dwarfed form in an artistic and pleasing manner with lots of tender and nutrients. Proper attention is given to the plant to improve its growth in a dwarfed form through regular trimming and cutting and by observing prescribed manner is specified for it.

Bonsai refers in particular to the preparation of and the use of creative visualization to a tree. This leads eventually to give an illusion of a naturally matured small wood. The art of growing and cultivating Bonsai plants incorporates the Japanese concept of shin-zen-bi, which stands for truth, goodness and beauty.

In Japanese culture related Bonsai to many of the ideals which their society is based. In Zen Buddhism-related Bonsai originating, in the past, men, nature, elements, and change, which is intestinal in this unique tree growing method. Bonsai reveals meditation and express himself through nature and returns the same care nature has given to man. But in today's world, Bonsai is considered as a hobby, where you can be close to nature and extend your gardens beauty.

What is the Bonsai?

Bonsai can be described as a tree or Shrub developed in a woody form with the following considerations:

1. is simple, Bonsai tree in the pot.
2. Its trunk is the most important part as roots must be visible to determine whether the tree is a good and healthy or not.
3. Bonsai should contain more branches in lower page as the Shrink size gradually when they come closer to the top of the tree. The distance between the branches decreases the closer at the top of the tree they are.
4. Bonsai should contain open areas in such a way as to distinguish it from a Shrub; It should be easily determinable as a dwarfed wood and never give the impression to be a Shrub.
5. A Bonsai may be areas of dead wood of jin and shari to give an impression of maturity.

The most popular species of Bonsai includes June pers, pines, cedars and many other tropical them. among the more popular styles are the slope, Cascade, extremely upright, informal upright and others.

Bonsai trees kept dwarfed and trained to be the same for the future by trim their branches and roots, frequent repotting, restrict new growth and wiring their branches and trunk in order to achieve the desired shape.

Bonsai plants can be grown through the seeds or cuttings from young trees and stunted plants removed for containers and Pots. Generally, the size of a Bonsai plant can be anywhere between 5 centimeters and 100 centimeters.

Provided with good tender, a Bonsai survive for decades. It can acquire impressive varieties from generation to generation and function as an admired and accepted the reminder of the people who took care of it.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Types of Bonsai to know

There are many different types of bonsai to choose from. It can generally be classified as indoor and outdoor. Certain species such as Ficus is one of the most popular indoor varieties.Although the same tree can be grown indoors and outdoors, but ceratain species is more easier to grow in the indoor environment.

Bonsai plants are miniaturization of trees which, if left untrained would grow to their normal form. It is training under the limited range that enables them to stay small, the basic requirement is the same as those of trees growing in outdoor and it takes special care to make them grow indoors. When grown indoors, these trees must be kept in a place which gives ample amount of light that is moist. Keep it is not near ovens or heating places such as the kitchen. In addition, you can place it near a bucket of water to reproduce in a humid environment.

Bonsai can also be classified based on their size.And most occurring commonly sizes are Thimble, Mame, small, medium and large with the large grows more than 36 inches tall. Some types, like Imperial is actually around 10 feet high.

Although they can be divided into different types, but the basic techniques for training are common. All types must be cropped, wired, watering and trained to make them grow in the correct shape and size. For small bonsai like mame, perform pruning exercises would be difficult, and you must pay extra attention.

You can also classify them into data types based on the species to which they belong. Although most of the trees from nature may be made to grow as bonsai, are some of the varieties that are more suitable than ohters. The most common species used is Jade, fig, Bougainvillea, Tamarind, Juniper, Pines, Cedar, Elms, Boxwood, Azalea, Maples, grapes, Fukien tea, Schefflera, Cherry, Serissa, Sago Palm, gardenias and many more.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

What is the Bonsai?you wanna know

The Word bonsai literally translates to "tree in the pot or tray." The art of bonsai originated in China thousands of years ago, originally associated with Taoism and Buddhism. Chinese containerized live trees and dwarfed in miniature landscapes and gardens. Bonsai art migrated to Japan via Korea with Zen Buddhists and grew to become more and more popular, first among monks and aristocrats, and then in a broader scale. Now grown bonsai trees throughout the world.

While bonsai artists for the benefit of certain tree species, trained more than 100 different trees, flowering plants and shrubs to bonsai. Depending on the species, can bonsai grown indoors or outdoors.

Some good outdoor bonsai species include start with Japanese maple, elm, Ginkgo, Juniper and boxwood.

Bonsai grown indoors requires more attention and babying. Tropical and subtropical species, such as Hawaiian umbrella tree, baby jade and brush cherry is good indoor trees must start with.

All bonsai trees to good morning light, with a consistent level of humidity and proper irrigation. Trees well often indoors when placed near a sunny window and a humidifier can help keep the air inside the damp.

Overwatering is a common problem among beginning bonsai enthusiasts; whether indoors or outdoors, in your bonsai pot soil should be moist, never completely dry to touch nor soggy and wet. And like any other plant, a bonsai tree must be fed with the right fertilizer. Check with a bonsai nursery or garden storage will know which the fertiliser is right for your tree.

When you choose your first bonsai, it is best to go to a nursery specialising in bonsai trees so that experts can answer your questions. Plants at a nursery is normally better ticket for and healthier than those that exist at a big box Store garden center. In order to ensure you end up with a healthy tree, search shiny, vibrant leaves or needles which shriveled or yellowish needle may be a sign of pests or diseases. Make sure there is no brown spots on the leaves or branches.

Right container for your bonsai tree is as important as the actual tree. Golden Oldies such as cedars typically appear and pines are produced in unglazed ceramic jars in neutral or earthy colors, while deciduous trees can be placed in glazed or unglazed pots. The color of the container should be complementary colors of bonsai's leaves or flowers; for example, would a deep blue pot highlight a maple brilliant red and orange foliage. A flourishing pink bonsai may look best in a yellow or green pot.

There are several traditional styles of bonsai trees formal upright, informal upright, slanting, Cascade and diet is the most common styles. Each of these styles imitate what a tree can appear in a natural setting: the slipping with the wind, for example, or sweeping down the side of a mountain. Different species interact with each other style.

In order to design a bonsai are specific tools required. Some of the most basic bonsai tools include a pair of long-handled cutting machines, Bud scissors, pliers, wire cutters, a root rake and a concave cutter. Train a tree to grow to the desired shape, you must use copper wire to dock trunk roots or container, and then gently bend the branches by wrapping them with wire, encourage them to Oblique edge or curve.

Bonsai trees need careful trimming and cropping, especially during periods of new growth when shot and buds must be trimmed back to maintain the tree shape. It is also important to re pot a bonsai every year or so, depending on how fast grows the tree. If you do not re-pot, roots can grow too long, and bonsai can be "pot bound." By re-potting, it is important to trim the roots and re-pot tree to properly prepared, damp soil in a container with good drainage.

While many first time bonsai gardeners choose to buy their trees from a kindergarten, enjoy many bonsai growing cereals share their bonsai from scratch. There are several ways to grow a bonsai, but all of them take a lot of time and patience. You can buy a seedling from a nursery and let it develop to the point where you can begin training in a bonsai, or you can purchase seed, germination, and then let them cultivate your young tree until it is ready to be shaped. Another means of reproduction is to take a cut from a "parent" wood, plant it and nurture it along the Many enthusiasts like to. growing from cuttings, which they can duplicate the tree parent genes and characteristics.

Other more complex products are increasingly a bonsai involves grafting-adds a new branch or root to an existing tree or layering, which involves hurting the bark of a parent tree, and then helps callus (injured part) to develop a new bud and its own roots.

Growing and training a bonsai tree is really a work of art, and may result in a beautiful addition to your home or garden!

Monday, 2 May 2011

Why beginners love Baby Jade Bonsai

Bonsai trees are a great way to have a healthy thriving plant and exercise some of your creativity and one of the best plants is to start with Baby Jade. A Succulent bonsai, this plant is called plant elephant or small leaves Jade and is original to South Africa. It is quite tolerant to under irrigation and is a good beginner plant to your home or Office.

Baby Jade is a fairly new bonsai, which develops very quickly and in contrast to other types of Bonsai, can go for long periods without water. It can grow to 3 or 4 meters in the wild and become a succulent, save the water tribe, branches and leaves.

This lovely plant is easy to health care and style, and great to look at also! Young plant has green bark that turns reddish brown, and then the slate gray as it ages. It has fleshy round leaves range from pale grey to blue-green to dark green, which is Complimented by a reddish-colored stems. It flourishes with small star-shaped rosafarvet purple flowers. The trunk and branches can make lovely long droopy and Cascades.

Baby Jade Bonsai is a tropical plant it does not do well in climates that have less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If you live in a warm climate it will do well outdoors in full sunlight, but if you are in a colder area, it is best to keep your Bonsai inside in the winter and Baby Jade will be fine as long as you give it enough light. Watering should be done periodically-water until the Earth is moist and let the soil dry between waterings. Do not add too much water, so there is a standing puddle in the pot.

Pruning and shaping your bonsai is a part of the fun and leave the Earth dry before you cut the roots or heavy branches. When you have made any cuts, water sparingly until the average heals. If you want to stop a branch from growing longer, remove terminal bud. If you want to design tree, pinch buds and branches that grow where you not them. remember to pinch gently with fingers. Baby Jade is a fast grower and must be clamp often growth period. Use a 1 mm aluminium wire to rotate the branches and leaves.

You should repot your Baby Jade bonsai every 2 years. This is done best in early spring. Before the repotting, dry soil carefully. After repotting, keep Baby Jade in a shady place until you can see some new growth, and when you begin to water it again as usual.